
每年, 美国心脏协会, 与疾病控制和预防中心合作, 国家卫生研究院和其他政府机构, 汇编有关心脏病的最新统计数字, 中风和其他血管疾病 心脏病和中风统计更新. 这对研究人员来说是一个宝贵的资源, 临床医生, 医疗保健政策制定者, 媒体专业人士, 公众, and others who seek the best national data available on disease morbidity, 死亡率, and risks; quality of care; medical procedures and operations; and costs associated with the man年龄ment of these diseases. The 心脏病和中风统计更新 is a major source for monitoring cardiovascular health and disease in the 人口.


新! 2024年的心 & 中风统计更新工具包

The 2024 心脏病和中风统计更新 Toolkit represents a critical resource for health care professionals, 医疗保健管理人员, 研究人员, 健康倡导者, and others seeking the best available data on these factors and 条件s. Cardiovascular disease produces immense health and economic burdens in the United States and globally. The toolkit includes At-a-Glance and Fact Sheets (in 7 langu年龄 translations), and decks containing What is 新 and Updated in 2024 and Select Charts from the 2024 Update.


心 & 中风统计及常见问题


患病率是对有多少人患有某种特定疾病的估计, 条件, 或者是某个特定线上电子游戏飞禽走兽点的风险因素. 政府机构定期进行健康检查调查. 具体疾病的发病率是根据这些调查计算出来的. 这些比率适用于若干年的人口变化, 直到一项新的健康调查完成, 新的税率也随之确立. It’s important to realize that the prevalence rates do not change from year to year until there is a new survey. 流行率的年度变化见 心脏病和中风统计更新 只反映人口的变化. It isn't possible to develop a prevalence “trend” by comparing numbers from yearly issues of 公众ation or its precursors.


Incidence is an estimate of how many new cases of a disease develop in a 人口 in a given time period. 对于某些疾病,新发和复发或病例合并. The incidence of a cardiovascular disease in the United States is estimated by multiplying the incidence rates reported in community- or hospital-based studies by the U.S. 人口. The rates are not computed annually; they change only when new data are available. 为了反映2000年美国经济的增长,对这些估计数字进行了修订.S. 人口普查. Neither the incidence nor the rates should be compared with those in past issues of the 心脏病和中风统计更新.


Mortality figures are the most accurate data available for assessing the impact of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. These data are compiled from death certificates and are sent by state health 年龄ncies to the 国家中心 for Health Statistics. 在那里,这些信息被核实并按死亡原因制成表格, 年龄, 性, 和种族, 为美国和每个州. 这个过程很耗时. That's why there's about a two-year delay in the 死亡率 statistics found in the 心脏病和中风统计更新. 因为死亡率被认为是“硬”数据, it's possible to do time-trend analysis and compute percent changes over time.


死亡率是死亡率与人口之间的比率. 全国死亡率按每10万人计算. 死亡率除以人口数得到粗死亡率. When summarizing death rates over time or among 人口s, we compute 年龄-adjusted death rates. These remove the effects from differences in the 年龄 distribution of the 人口 over time and among 人口 groups. 2000年是年龄调整的标准年份.


在死亡证明上分别报告种族和西班牙裔. This means that 死亡率 data for each race can include persons of Hispanic origin, 西班牙裔的死亡率数据可以包括任何种族的人. In 心脏病和中风统计更新, 除非另有规定, 白人的死亡人数中包括西班牙裔的死亡人数, 黑人, 美国印第安人/阿拉斯加原住民和亚洲/太平洋岛民. Data for Hispanic persons include all persons of Hispanic origin of any race. 数据 心脏病和中风统计更新 are as reported by government 年龄ncies or as reported by specific epidemiological studies. 在许多情况下,西班牙裔的数据是不可用的. Data for Mexican Americans is more likely to be reported because data is harder to find for all Hispanics.


"Major Cardiovascular Diseases," commonly reported by the NCHS, represents ICD codes I00-I78. “Total Cardiovascular Disease” comprises all “Diseases of the Circulatory System” codes (I00-I99). 当数据可用时, we add congenital cardiovascular defects codes (Q20-Q28) to “Total Cardiovascular Disease.”


The 国家中心 for Health Statistics tabulated 死亡率 of "Diseases of the 心." The term is commonly used in its statistical publications and its compilation of the leading causes of death. This category groups diseases containing words referring to the "heart" and includes:

  • 急性风湿热/慢性风湿性心脏病(00- 09)
  • Hypertensive 心脏病 (I11) and Hypertensive 心 and Renal Disease (I13)
  • 冠心病(I20-I25)
  • 其他心脏疾病(I26-I51) -包括心力衰竭

"Diseases of the 心" is not equivalent to "Total Cardiovascular Disease," which 美国心脏协会 prefers to use to describe the leading causes of death. "Diseases of the 心" represents about three-fourths of "Total Cardiovascular Disease" 死亡率.


访问我们的互动心血管图书馆 for animations that help explain high blood pressure and many other cardiovascular diseases.